Child Exposed to Porn

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What do you do if you just found out your child has been looking at porn? We are here to help.

What do you do if you just found out your child has been looking at porn? As a parent/guardian, you want to keep your children safe. But online images have their way of sneaking onto devices; curiosity is the tool used to lure our youngsters into the world of sexual exploitation. Learn about the steps you should take after discovering your child's exposure to pornography!

Cost: $29.99

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COURSE: Tough Parenting

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Cost: $29.99

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Table of Contents

Child Exposed to Porn
2 A Child's Advocate
3 A Kid-Friendly Message About Porn
4 The Spiritual Side to Porn
5 Confession
6 Confessing Things Said
7 Confessing Things Happened
8 Confessing Things Done
9 Confessing Lies Believed

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